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Tossicodipendenze:Routine Urine Testing for Evidence of Drug Abuse in Workers:The Scientific, Ethical and Legal Reasons Not to Do It

Questo argomento ha avuto 1 risposte ed è stato letto 2073 volte.


Medico Competente
  • Tossicodipendenze:Routine Urine Testing for Evidence of Drug Abuse in Workers:The Scientific, Ethical and Legal Reasons Not to Do It
  • (17/11/2008 23:22)

Un invito a tutti coloro che ne abbiano voglia e animo a raccogliere e rendere visibili a tutti i colleghi (pro e contro la norma) documenti che ci chiariscano ulterirmente l'imbroglio morale, professionale, etico e legale in cui ci hanno coercitivamente inserito.
Non me ne vogliate per la caparbia insistenza ma ho difficoltà ad aderire a ciò di cui sono tutt'altro che convinto anche se ciò è richiesto da una legge dello stato.

Linda Rosenstock1 and Mark R. Cullen2

(1) Occupational Medicine Program, Department of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
(2) Yale-New Haven Occupational Medicine Program, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut

Routine Urine Testing for Evidence of Drug
Abuse in Workers:
The Scientific, Ethical and Legal Reasons Not to Do It

The larger validity or meaning of true-positive
drug tests is an even more important question. With
the exception of testing for alcohol use, usually omitted
in mass drug screening, tests for other substance
abuse give evidence only of exposure; a positive test
cannot discern drug use or abuse, intensity of the
exposure, or time of exposure, and there are simply
no data linking these tests to intoxication, impairment,
safety hazards, or work productivity. For example,
a positive test for cannabis may reflect a single
session of casual use that took place days to
weeks earlier.
It is our belief that even if these technical problems
were fully soluble, the ethical and medicolegal
ones are not.

Medici indolenti & Aziende Netgroup


Medico Competente
  • Re: Tossicodipendenze:Routine Urine Testing for Evidence of Drug Abuse in Workers:The Scientific, Ethical and Legal Reasons Not to Do It
  • (18/11/2008 01:07)

E' interessante questa osservazione conclusiva degli autori (Tyler D. Hartwell,Paul D. Steele,Michael T. French,Nathaniel F.Rodman)del "Prevalence of drug testing in the workplace"
Drug testing continues to develop as a popular strategy to control substance abuse in the workplace; the incidence of testing is partially based on the type of worksite,characteristics of employees, and olicies of the company in the workplace.
Drug testing is widely implemented in worksites throughout
the United States, and is partially based on the characteristics
of the worksite, the characteristics of its employees, and the
implementation of other strategies and policies to control substance
misuse. Drug testing programs are continually added
to worksite policies, as well as the proportion of the labor
force subject to testing. Programs that test for illicit drug use
are more than twice as prevalent as those that test for alcohol
use. This is ironic, in that alcohol misuse is by far the more
common personal problem related to impaired job performance.However, testing for alcohol use is a more complex social and legal issue because alcohol use per se does not constitute a violation of law or company personnel policies.

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