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Ricerca di medici del lavoro per un progetto in Romania

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La Redazione

La Redazione
Medico del Lavoro
  • Ricerca di medici del lavoro per un progetto in Romania
  • (13/10/2005 17:12)

Ci è stato segnalata la ricerca di tre medici del lavoro: un medico team-manager, uno esperto e un esperto in formazione.
Di seguito l'annuncio:


Contract title: Improvement of the efficiency of the Romanian system for occupational health surveillance and control of occupational diseases, work related diseases and injuries due to occupational risk

7. Contract description

The project aims at increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the Romanian Services for occupational health and safety and raising awareness among the Romanian population in general, and the social partners/decision makers (Government) in particular, about occupational health and safety as a major public health factor

8. Indicative maximum budget

1,600,000 EURO

Key experts:

A/ Team leader, 10 months in Romania
University degree in OH or PH, English, good communication skills, 5 yrs experience in OHS, 5 yrs experience in PM

B/ Expert Occ Med 8 months in Romania
University degree in OH or PH, English language, good communication skills
5 years experience in OH in EU Member State
5 years experience on EU Directives implementation

C/ Expert Ind Hygiene 5 months
University degree in Ind Hygiene or toxicology
English, 5 yrs experience as industrial hygienist in multidisciplinary team, 5 yrs experience at company level as industrial hygienist

D/ Expert in Planning and education 5 months
University degree in medicine
English, 5 yrs experience in curriculum development and training on OHS, train the trainers programmes, evaluation of training, training of adults, health promotion campaigns

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