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I sindacati europei chiedono la proibizione degli screening genetici nei luoghi di lavoro (14 Nov 2003)

La European Trade Union Confederation, in occasione di una giornata di studi tenutasi sul tema a Bruxells, ha richiesta alla CE la [color=blue][b]proibizione degli screening genetici[/color][/b] nei luoghi di lavoro europei. Gli screening, che vengono effettuati in più di 6000 aziende negli Stati Uniti, sono già stati proibiti in Austria, Belgio e Finlandia. Analogo parere era stato espresso in una pubblicazione del 28 luglio scorso dal Gruppo Europeo per l\'Etica nelle Scienze e le Tecnologie.
Bd du Roi Albert II, 5 - 1210 Brussels - Belgium - Press Sec : +3222240431 - E-mail :EDUCARME@ETUC.ORG - Http:// CONFEDERATION EUROPEENNE DES SYNDICATS l EUROPEAN TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION l EUROPĂ„ISHER GEWERKSCHAFTSBUND l DEN EUROPEISKEFAGLIGE SAMORGANISASJON ETUC:Nothing justifies a genetic screening compared to risks at work. On the occasion of the study's day organised in Brussels on the susceptibility of genetic in the professional environment, the European Trade Union Confederation calls for the prohibition of genetic screening in the workplace. ETUC considers that the directive, prepared by the Commission, on workers personal data protection should clearly state this prohibition. Today, genetic testing in the workplace does not constitute a reality in the majority of the European companies. On the other hand, it knew a certain popularity in the United States where, according to a survey carried out in 1997 by the American Management Association, more than 6.000 companies would practise it. Its implications are to reduce effort for a collective prevention to occupational hazards in particular in the chemical field and to introduce discriminations amongs workers according to certain genetic characteristics. The United States' experience shows that genetic screening could lead to indirect forms of racial discrimination. From the prevention point of view, nothing justifies a genetic screening compared to risks at work. In the European Union, some countries such as Austria, Belgium and Finland have already prohibited genetic screening in the workplace. The European group on ethics in sciences and new technologies published on July 28, 2003 its opinion on the ethical aspects of genetics in the workplaceThis opinion expresses a very clear opposition to genetic testing. The European Trade Union Confederation wants the European Institutions to come to a clear conclusion about this question and to adopt a Commission's legislation ensuring the protection of workers in this field. Brussels, October 29, 2003 - Copyright 2001-2025 Tutti i diritti riservati - Partita IVA IT01138680507

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